
标题: 活动丨Rose Alley®【唐容集】,邀你一起玩转穿越 [打印本页]

作者: brav    时间: 2015-10-28 19:37
标题: 活动丨Rose Alley®【唐容集】,邀你一起玩转穿越
本帖最后由 brav 于 2015-10-28 19:50 编辑

2015-10-24 RoseTeam RoseAlley

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穿越虽遥不可及,一套妙趣横生的复古妆容却能一秒带你梦回雍容华贵的大唐盛世。在之前发布于Rose Alley®官网的专栏文章《唐妆一瞥》A Peek of Women’s Makeup during the Tang Dynasty (AD618-917) 中,我们的小编就亲身上阵体会了穿越妆容带来的独特魅力,在读者中也引发了相当热烈的反响。

为了让千年前那些旖旎明艳的妆容再度盛放,Rose Alley®的唐容集活动#TangBeautyAtlas应运而生,将来自世界的面孔汇成这曾经举世倾慕的妆容。不论你来自哪里,年龄几何,原先是什么肤色,只需稍加妆扮,即可让充满唐朝审美风格的花容月貌在你的脸上轻松重现(请看海报里的这些美女们!)。


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我们将在Rose Alley®12月份的期刊中宣布优胜者。


亦然 liuye@gwucssa.com
书晗 zhangjiayang@gwucssa.com


Published on August 4, 2015

A Peek at Women’s Makeup during the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907)written by Qin Qin

When you sit in front of the TV, you see ladies from Tang Dynasty depicted as

You’re thinking, “these ladies are incredibly beautiful! Let me take a look at how they do their makeup.” Of course you love it, because it is based on the beauty standard in the 21st century.
Now lets say you somehow become The Chosen One and are carried back by Taoist magic to the Tang Dynasty of ancient China (circa 618-907 C.E.). You’re smart and brave enough to survive, but let me tell you, with the makeup you have now, you won’t fit in. Let’s get you prepared with a walk through the makeup steps and styles of the Tang…
Step One, put on face powder. Great! You know that already. Ladies from the Tang Dynasty put white powder on their face as the first step.
Step Two, get your cheeks rouged. Ah, you probably have that on already. But maybe put a little bit more, and more, and more…Yes, a lot of it.
Step Three, add yellow to your forehead. Now you might think that I’m telling you to paint yourself. But it’s true. Because as one of the most open-minded and prosperous times in history, Buddhism became widely accepted in the Tang Dynasty. Remember the gold forehead the great Buddha has? That’s it. To do it, women dip the brush into the yellow paint made of herbs and flowers. They also use water to dilute the coloring and gain a natural look.
Step Four, brows! Now this is the tricky part. People seemed to be obsessed with brows at that time. The popular shapes of brows can vary a lot depending on the era, sometimes changing drastically when the next emperor ascends the throne. Let’s take a brief look at how ladies may draw their brows.
As you can see, the shape of the brow goes way beyond imagination, and dramatic changes can happen within a few years. Don’t you think Tang ladies have a much bolder fashion sense than us modern women?? …Have you picked your favorite one? Ok let’s move on.
Step Five, rouge on your lips. Put on some red and make your lips look sexy. But you need to outline the shape carefully! There are more options for lip shapes than you can ever imagine.
I like the last one. Draw carefully, don’t forget to cover the blank area with face powder to make it white.
[size=0.9375]Alright, we are almost there. Step Six, Mian-Ye “面靥”. This is something special and only applies to Tang women. It is the two dots women put along the side their lips, almost like where dimples would be. An example of Mian-Ye would be:
See the red dots on her face? It would look nice on you. Actually, the origin of Mian-Ye is an interesting story. When the queen or concubines have their period coming and they are too shy to say it, they put on Mian-Ye so that the emperor would know not to spend the night in their chambers.
Last step: (optional!) Hua-Dian “花钿”. It is a beautiful decoration women would put on their forehead. Usually it’s a red color, but sometimes green, blue, or yellow. It is made of gold foil, silver, paper, fish bone, and other materials., Hua Dian is  glued onto the forehead. Usually it’s flower-shaped, but sometimes avant-garde women made theirs in the shape of little birds, fish, ducks…Tang people were super creative!
Let’s put all steps into one picture for you to remember.
Oh right, you see that woman here? That’s exactly how you’re going to look like back in Tang Dynasty. Are you shocked?
I know, we are all crying at the liars on TV!
As the most powerful and prosperous country in the world at that time, the Tang developed a rich culture of beauty tips and makeup techniques. I’m jealous. Tang ladies seem to spend to a lot of time developing new brow shapes, or something fun to put on their faces – much more fun than what we have today!
Out of curiosity, I experimented the Tang makeup techniques on my own face, here’s the end product. Not bad isn’t it?!
FILED UNDER: Rose Beauty, Rose Culture


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作者: 里里放假r    时间: 2016-4-24 07:21
行,有意义,我顶 谢谢您了


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