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Essay No. 33442

已有 480 次阅读2018-6-19 03:30

Hi Traders,

 I Encountered this good document, you can to examine it

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Trading directly on CME is not possible unless you are a broker yourself.

This negative impact from CME futures on Bitcoin is likely temporary, just like it was with the launch of CBOE futures last week. BITCOIN made its anticipated debut on the CBOE futures market this weekend, but traders are worried about the impact this might have on bitcoin prices. A big securities exchange in Chicago on Sunday began selling Bitcoin futures for the first time, something seen by many as an important step toward mainstream usage. 


These agreements allow the two parties to settle the final contract using cash, instead of physical goods or securities.

The Main Types OF CFD Brokes

Arguably one of the biggest innovations to come from the development of technology in retail onine trading is the widespread growth of DMA, allowing traders of all levels and sizes to make their own trading decisions on the markets first hand

1. STP Broker– Straight through Processing model
2. ECN Broker– Electronic communications network model
3. DMA Broker – Direct market access model
4. MM Broker– Market maker model
5. P2P Broker – Peer to Peer model
The STP/ECN and DMA Brokerage models are the TRADITIONAL brokerage models that send out all your trade moves to the operators of the conventional market. The managers of the common  market are named the Market Makers.
These Market Makers are the ones who you are in fact, trading opposed to.
Consequently if you gain, they suffer. In the corresponding vein, in cases where you routinely earn, it implies that the provider  is losing and vice versa.
The market makers hold the privilege to turn down your trade flows. this factor is ultimately a important component. You can trade with a Broking service that is functioning an STP/ECN/DMA model and nevertheless have your trading winnings canceled or a even worse scenario , your deposit might held back temporally. This type of unethical activities of a STP broker may happen to be as a result of their Market Makerrejected your orders at some intention and consequently, whatever earnings you produced becomes invalid. The market maker may possibly as well choose to penalize the Broker for allowing such streams by retaining your money.

had me going

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