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Article No. 163610

已有 495 次阅读2018-8-23 07:38


Bitcoin is aamazing cryptocurrency. It is produced based on P2P computer network system and controled by composite mathematical processes.

The second major future based on bitcoin is setting up to trade on the CME.

The CME Group, one of  the US's primary exchanges of options and options contracts ,made available bitcoin futures and options for trading at 6 p.m. EST Sunday. The initial price for bitcoin futures was $20,650, and the crypto currency was trading at $20,135 at 6:08 p.m. EST.

The virtual currency has boomed in popularity and profit this year though drawing questions relating to its volatility.

  Anyoption offers fast, hassle-free and secure methods to traders wishing to deposit money into their trading accounts or make withdrawals.

 Apart from the web based trading platform and the Metatrader 4 software, Anyoption has also supplied their traders with mobile trading apps for both binary options and Forex/CFD trading.

Trading contracts for difference with 24option is a superb way to invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Using its variety and low minimum account balance of $100, 24option offers a wide assortment of trades to develop a strong investment strategy alongside bitcoin, litecoin CFDs and around. Here's how to open an account and begin trading in BTC/USD and LTC/USD..

scroll down for info 






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