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So Long, Farewell - 20 January 2021 Version

发布者: babyface | 发布时间: 2021-1-18 17:51| 查看数: 3123| 评论数: 0|帖子模式

本帖最后由 babyface 于 2021-1-18 17:53 编辑

The von Trapplings have so far only been singing about Covid. But current events compel them to add their sound of music once more, to farewell a president who just doesn't seem to want to leave office after being democratically fired.*** Have you seen my other videos yet? 40+ relyriced songs and originals made in 2020 alone, including 3 others from Sound of Music, covering current events in a unique way, with many more to come! Check out my channel and subscribe to get the very latest songs as I make them. If you like what I do and would like to buy me a coffee, thank you! You can do so here: [color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-call-to-action))]https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ShirleyS... ***


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