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Heifetz 2016: Ji-Won Song & Beilin Han | Butterfly Lovers Concerto

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发布时间: 2017-7-23 18:31


New England Conservatory student Ji-Won Song has won the Ninth Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition. Originally from Seoul, South Korea, Song will take home a €10,000 first place prize, a ...


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点评 回复 黑王子 发表于 2017-7-23 21:03:23
What a stunning performance and superb execution by both the violinist and pianist! Salute!
点评 回复 admin 发表于 2017-7-23 18:45:03
thanks. she played it such wonderful
点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2017-7-23 18:33:04
Replacing the orchestra with just a piano loses quite a bit of the color but no fault of the performers, though, who play magnificently.
点评 回复 babyface 发表于 2017-7-23 18:32:41
Aristo Telian6 months ago
How did I go this long without ever hearing this? This is superb! the composition and the execution are thrilling, engaging, exalting. I am captivated by this.
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