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brav 2016-6-27 19:04
yuanyuan88: Yes, it is me. Thanks for your invitation. It took me a while to find a time to come here. After I registered, I meant to write something, but the sys ...
HI Yuanyuan, I checked your account, andIsee that your account has been activated.   

我们这有论坛, 博客, 和微博。 你是在哪个版不能上贴? 有什么提示或MESSAGE吗?
brav 2016-6-27 18:56
yuanyuan88: Somehow my reply did not show up?
Hi Yuanyuan,  it works. My greetings with sincere.

brav 2016-6-23 21:31
Hi Yuanyuan, Glad to see you are here? is that really you?  warm welcome!
admin 2016-6-23 18:53
Greetings! having fun here.  